Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Steroid Fallout

I'm still working out all I went through with the Steroids. {Sharpies} Posted by Hello


I had no clue what to do with myself at that time other than survive. {Sharpies} Posted by Hello

They Do Not Die

Have I mentioned that I love Sharpies? Here's my past coming back to Haunt me. {Sharpies} Posted by Hello

The Monster Prednisone

The other side of Steroid withdraw. I'm still trying to work this part out.


Update 011515:

A variation of this piece is now available as a tshirt or other paraphernalia at my Neatoshop.  Drop by and check it out! 


2004 was picking up the pieces for me. I had just moved and had traded all of my doctors in for alternative medicines. This is the beginning of Steroid withdraw. {Pen} Posted by Hello

Vindicator / Guardian Pencilled

Tried to get back in the groove with the Alpha Flight Sketching. I hated the alterations to Gaurdian's costume at that time. Please forgive his funky head.  Character Copyright is Marvel! {Pencil on unspeakable paper} Posted by Hello

The Old Blue Man

Once again...a rough year.

{Prismacolour on Blue drawing paper} 

Manhunter Inked

Inks on the Manhunter.  DC Comics owns the Copyright. 

{Pen & Ink}

This image with Zippotone applied can be seen here.

Manhunter Pencilled

One of DC's Manhunters. I have a strange fondness for "Big Red Robots".  The Manhunters Copyright belongs to DC Comics.

{Graphite on very bad paper}

The inked version of this image can be seen here.

Shaman Inked

Shaman Inked. Marvel owns character copyright. {Pen & Ink} Posted by Hello

Shaman Pencilled

Shaman is one of my all-time favorite characters. Please forgive the Raven's wings...I knew not what I did at the time... Marvel owns the Copyright for Shaman.  

{Graphite on Bristol} Posted by Hello

Sasquatch Inked.

Fully Inked. Marvel owns the Copyright for this character.  {Pen & Ink} Posted by Hello

Sasquatch Pencilled

I had decided I wanted to explore the members of Alpha Flight. Here's My second. I scanned the Pencils this time!!! :-)  As Before Marvel owns this copyright.  I just like drawing their characters!  

{Graphite on Bristol} Posted by Hello


Regrettably I inked this before I got the pencils scanned. Ahhhh Hindsight.
Copyright belongs to Marvel btw...

{Pen and Ink} Posted by Hello
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