Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Dream Diart 091614: The Shark, the Horder, and the Hotel

I am in a medium sized yacht.  It is day.  The yacht is anchored crossways so that it blocks the entrance of the large and deep lagoon we are floating in.    There is a reason that we are blocking the lagoon entrance, but I do not know what it is.  The other people on the boat are the cast of the first season of the Walking Dead, specifically Rick and Lori.  We are all pulling a set of ropes and tubes out of the water.  The ropes are connected to something deep underwater.  Daryl Hannah is also present and is pulling the ropes at the boats edge.  There is a giant shark in the lagoon.  It looks very fake when I see it, but the fear it generates in me feels very real.  It attacks the boat because of the motion of pulling the ropes in.  Darryl Hannah is taken.

Now we are on the interior shore.  I can see the boat at the entrance to the lagoon.  Everyone except Rick has come to shore.  There is a old American west style fort a few hundred yards inland from the shore.  The people in the fort are "at war" with the people in the boat.  I know that Shane from the Walking Dead is in the Fort.  Those that make it to shore ask for mercy and fall asleep at the door.

It is at this point that I realize that I am neither myself in this dream nor one of the characters from the boat.  I turn away from the sleeping people and speak with a man who has just docked his small wooden dinghy.  I tell him that the people at the door are peaceful and looking for mercy.  He is rough looking and carries a shot gun.  Back on the boat the Shark attacks again, damaging the backside of the yacht.

Now I am in the house of a horder helping someone my sister? clean.  Most of the larger piles and furniture have been removed. We are now rearranging the remaining furniture into a livable structure and cleaning up leftover debris.  I am working with a small bookshelf.  I just started helping and someone else had put the bookshelf in place without cleaning the debris away first.  I am frustrated as I try to get at the debris without knocking the bookshelf over.  Books keep tilting and falling.

In the debris I find a small toy black cat head.  It inspires me.  I run out of the building.  It is night outside.  I am running down a hill on a trail towards my house.  I am looking for my cat.  She is black with green eyes like the toy.  She and another black cat have a reunion.  They are twins separated at birth.  They play in the tall grass.  In my house I am watching TV with someone.   It is the only light.  A voice asks if I am going to return to help clean up the horder's mess.

Now I am in a hotel.  There is a young african american woman who works in the hotel.  She is talking about the hotel and smiling a lot.  There are many people in this space.  It is time for breakfast?  I feel an overwhelming urge to be outside and head out the door.  There is a water fountain outside.  The top of the fountain is covered in strange soft edged hexagonal rocks.  I climb to the top of the fountain.  I want one of the rocks but for some reason I cannot seem to take one.

In a recessed area near the entrance there are four people.  Two dressed as superheroes and two dressed as super villains.  One of the heroes lifts her mask slightly and smiles at me.  It is an old friend.  They all climb into an older SUV together.  They are escaping?  going to lunch?  I gesture towards the car and with my magnetism powers, I dismantle the vehicle.  The people inside receive a bit of an electric shock.  A voice says to be careful not to harm them.  I set them aside and reconstruct the vehicle without any electricity.  It is now shiny and silvery but it is only the shape of the SUV and does not function.  It is sculpture.

I wake.

I have exhibited an array of super powers within my dreams over the years, but with this dream the magnetism power is new.

Also, the disembodied voice within the dream has appeared before.  It often manifests as someone speaking over my shoulder in a quiet clear voice or as a voice in my head.  In this dream specifically it seems to have taken on the role of moral conscience, but often it merely presents information other than the main thrust of the dream.  Often it will show up at the end of a dream with a specific set of information.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Dream Diary 091514: A Girl and Her Dragon

I am sitting in a tree house. The interior is rather large and decorated somewhat like a public waiting room. There is a man sitting opposite me in a chair. The windows are large and outside there is a large storm approaching. The clouds fill up much of the sky and are dark. I tell the man that it looks like its going to be a big on. I am excited.

Outside the tree house there is a small town and I am just outside the main street section. The tree house fades and I see the image of a young girl with long dark brown hair. She has several braids. From a distant viewpoint I can see her and her friends. She has a dragon but it looks more like a large bat. It is furry like a bear and more friendly looking than the usual dragon. I think to myself that I have never read Anne Mcaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern.

The young girl stands with her bat dragon and her group of young friends near what, from this distance, looks like an amusement park. There is a fence surrounding a large mountain.  My point of view is just above a bank of clouds.  I understand that the gist of her story is that in order to protect her dragon she must get “home”.   The girl? a relative? owns a substantial acreage of land where her dragon could fly free and unmolested.  In urban areas it will be feared and caged or possibly killed.

Now I am on the ground on a road. The police are looking for the girl. They are calculating which road she might have taken to get across the county. Several nondescript policemen rattle off some road names.  It is overcast and raining.

Now I am at the door of a dark bathroom. My need is great, I force my way in past a janitors cart. I apologize and announce my presence as I enter. The bathroom extends a great distance. There are many stalls. The Janitor is in the far back.  I quickly urinate and flush the toilet. When the toilet flushes, the toilet bowl transforms into a strange and complex medical technology. Floating in the water are the caps of medical syringes. The side of the bowl has measures marked on it like a large beaker.

I wake.

Note: I think my subconscious is reacting to my taking notice of the bathroom theme. The theme has begun to repeat more, although my bladder was full upon waking this time. However, the pattern of the theme has been fairly static for many years. The addition of the medical technology aspect is a new element. I've had several urinary tract issues earlier in the year and this could be a reflection of those issues.

Also, this dream was challenging to recall. I woke and did not immediately rise.  Although it is pleasant to linger in bed in a half conscious state, this has the unfortunate effect of fogging my dream recall.  There are sections of this dream where I am sure there were more moments present, specifically between the tree house and the image of the small town main street.

Weekly Mandala: Blue Lotus

In the chambers of mind,
I found that its shape would not sit
for the painting of a moment of stillness,
but shifted and gamboled in the inkling.
It ran both near and far
and laughed at my notions of direction and destiny.
No matter my reservations or protests,
it always danced.

Recommended Listening:
Jóhann Jóhannsson
from Fordlândia

{Digital Images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Dream Diary 091414: Theatre Elevator

I'm in a crowded theatre looking for a seat.  I just came in the second story doors.  The performance has not yet begun.  There is a blonde man, a teacher with his class.  He and his class are already sitting in large area near the doors.  I am thinking of sitting in a seat near them.  The blonde teacher is flamboyant and talkative and I find him somewhat attractive.  His students are ambiguous dream people with nearly no identity.  As he continues to talk I realize that he is generally shallow and is talking about only superficial things.  He and the surrounding area all seem to be bathed in a bright yellow glow or spotlight.

I step away to go to the bathroom before the performance.  I bump into a friend.  The friend is nearly as nondescript as the students, but I recognize the person as a friend.  They have their two children with them, a young boy and a young girl.  Twins?  They are sitting several rows over and I decide to go sit with them, but first I need to go to the bathroom.

I exit the the seating area into the atrium and move to the left where the elevator is.  This area seems much darker than the rest of the dream so far.  I push the button and the elevator comes.  Inside it looks like the interior of an ambulance, but it is also a bathroom.  On the opposite wall I entered there is a panel of buttons.  I get the impression that the elevator opens on both sides and that the theatre is connected to a hospital.

The elevator returns to my floor and I get out.  My friend's children are there and before I can do anything they slip inside the elevator and the door closes surprisingly fast.  I freak out a little, but then I remember that they the elevator will come back.  I look down on the floor and I see that the children have left their pies on the floor by the elevator.  My friend shows up and the elevator returns.  We all move to our seats.

I wake.

Note:  The bathroom theme repeating here is the same as usual, but not as urgent.  However, I did wake with a full bladder.  Also of note is that the presence of a theatre in my dreams is usually an indicator of stress and chaos.  In this dream however, I am in the audience where as in my stressful theatre dreams I am either on stage or in the rafters of the theatre.
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