This image and the following set were originally created from previously posted images on my Dark Art blog, Zombie Bites. After I finished the pieces I found the entire set to be too light and hopeful for the tone of Zombie Bites. I have nothing against such flavors as evidenced by my work here, but at Zombie Bites, I feel they would be out of place and not receive the attention they deserve.
I reinvestigated the images in Photoshop and moved the entire set towards a darker tone. Some images changed only marginally, while others developed an entirely new facade. In the process I did, however, hold on to the first set of images. They were complete unto themselves and I felt it an injustice to simply abandon them. I've struggled with what to do with them until now. Trail of Breadcrumbs seems a more appropriate home for this set.
{Digital Images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}
I reinvestigated the images in Photoshop and moved the entire set towards a darker tone. Some images changed only marginally, while others developed an entirely new facade. In the process I did, however, hold on to the first set of images. They were complete unto themselves and I felt it an injustice to simply abandon them. I've struggled with what to do with them until now. Trail of Breadcrumbs seems a more appropriate home for this set.
{Digital Images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}
The History Set pieces were created in celebration of the eighth year anniversary of my first posts on Zombie Bites. Each of the pieces in this set was created from a conglomeration of work previously posted on Zombie Bites over the 2012 year.