Friday, August 24, 2012

Neptune in Pisces: The Obsfuscation of the Light

When Neptune moved into Pisces earlier this year, I noticed an immediate disruption of my ability to communicate.  Everything became distracted and complicated in some fashion.  It wasn't the disruption that comes with say, a Mercury retrograde.  The effect was a complication, a confusion of the purity of intentions.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

From The Archives: Night is Come (Original Ending)

This set was created a long time ago.  It was self-published in a small ashcan comic with another story, Winter.  This was another attempt on my part to marry poetry and well as a bit of spiritual philosophy.  I've never felt like I've ever gotten it quite right, but this is the closest I feel I've ever come.  The first two images are some of my favorite things I've ever drawn.

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