Friday, September 14, 2012

In the Valley

In this piece we find a magickal force uncovered unexpectedly.  Astrologically not much going on today, but on Sunday the 16th,  Mercury (communication, information, and travel) will enter Libra (balance, justice, relating).  The movement of the messenger of the gods will get the ball rolling faster towards wrapping up things up in the Libra area of our lives.

Libra has been a very heavy focus for the past two years with Saturn the task master of restriction transiting the sign of balance and justice.  The month of September is the big wrap up for all that heavy energy as the lord of time moves into Scorpio on October 5th.  Also on the 16th Mars in Scorpio will be inconjunct to Jupiter in Gemini, so look for actions and passionate energy to interfere with expansion and opportunity, or vice versa.

Recommended Listening:
Shamanic State of Mind
from Shamanic State of Mind

{Digital Images manipulated in Adobe Photoshop}

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